Your hexies are so beautiful. you might like to know of a technique there is for sewing the hexies NOT through the actual papers. just fold the fabric over the paper template and stitch through the fabric layers not through the papers. This holds the hexie shape but allows the paper to be easily taken out after stitching (especially with a hole prepunched into the paper template, and a trusty crochet hook)and is much quicker and easier as you are not pushing your needle through so many layers at once. After you have stitched the hexies together you don't even have to undo any basting stitches, just pop out the papers with your crochet hook and presto finished.Even the edges are neat if you are going to applique them.
I hope this is clear for you, but please try it this way you will not believe how much quicker hexies are to do.
lanna commented on 'Tutorial - Hexagon holder pouch'